Sourcing — Inpa
Yanomami Mushrooms
Posted by Gregory Prang on

Photo credit: Moreno Saraiva/ISA
Yanomami Mushrooms are the first edible mushrooms native to the Amazon Forest to be introduced into the international market and are extremely popular with the top chefs of Brazil. Launched in 2016, they are the product of the ecological knowledge of the Yanomami people and the traditional Yanomami farming system. Hunters and gatherers, the Sanöma have a great knowledge about the biodiversity of their territory. The mix of mushrooms that comes to the consumer is the result of a deep knowledge of the ecology and the management of the forest, sometimes a source of protein, particularly when hunting is not very successful. It is this knowledge that feeds and keeps the forest standing.
- Tags: Agroforestry, Alex Atala, Amazon Pantry, Amazonia, Amazonian Gastronomy, Beto Bellini, Cenbam, Felipe Schaedler, Hutukara Associação Yanomami, Indigenous, Indigenous horticulture, Inpa, Instituto ATÁ, Instituto Socioambiental, Restaurante Banzeiro, Roraima, Sanöma, sustainable agriculture, sustainable sourcing, Yanomami horticulture, Yanomami mushrooms