Beyond the Brazilian Steakhouse Should it represent the food of Brazil abroad? Nicholas Gill
Posted by Gregory Prang on
- Tags: Brazilian cuisine, Brazilian gastronomy, Caboco, Mocotó, Nicholas Gill, Rodrigo Oliveira, Victor Vasconcellos
Posted by Gregory Prang on
Alex Atala introduces tucupi
Are you looking for an excellent book on Brazilian/Amazonian cuisine?
Posted by Gregory Prang on

Please visit the website of the famous chef and professor of culinary arts, Almir da Fonseca at the Culinary Institute of America at Greystone in the Sonoma Valley. Chef Almir provides a wealth of knowledge regarding the history, cooking techniques and recipes . Please visit his site and obtain a copy of his beautiful and fascinating book, The Brazil Project .
- Tags: Almir Da Fonseca, Amazon Pantry, Amazonian cuisine, Amazonian Gastronomy, Brazilian cuisine, Brazilian gastronomy, Brazilian recipes
The Amazons Mouth Watering Fifth Flavour
Posted by Gregory Prang on

The ancestral sauce of black tucupi is making its way onto the menus of some of South America’s best restaurants, bringing a new sense of pride to an age-old tradition.
Hot Peppers Are a Way of Life for This Brazilian Indigenous Community
Posted by Gregory Prang on

Another great article by Nick Gill in Saveur about the Baniwa, their culinary culture heritage, and their connection to the contemporary world of gastronomy. "Spanning from orange to green to yellow to purple, 80 distinct pepper varieties are cultivated by the Baniwa, a people who have lived in small settlements in northwestern Brazil's Içana River basin for thousands of years."
- Tags: Alex Atala, Amazon Pantry, Amazonian Gastronomy, Baniwa Indigenous Group, chili pepper, chili powder, Instituto ATÁ, Instituto Socioambiental, Nicholas Gill, pimenta baniwa, Saveur, sustainable sourcing