Soul Brasil Cuisine
Posted by Gregory Prang on
SoulBrasil Cuisine was founded by Leticia and Peter Feddersen. They have three outstanding missions: to promote the essence of Brazil through products of culinary distinction; to source only sustainable and organic ingredients; and to introduce innovations of common condiments through the use of tropical fruits. As an increasing number of respected chefs have been demonstrating that there is great potential for raising awareness of the diverse gastronomic traditions by incorporating SoulBrasil Cuisine’s products into everyday meals across the planet. The products are 100% vegan and made with natural and organic ingredients, nothing artificial in the growing or processing of the...
Kisêdjê Pequi Oil
Posted by Gregory Prang on
Photo Credit: Rogério Assis/ISA
Pequi oil, or Hwĩn Mbê in the indigenous language, is produced by the Kĩsêdjê, who live in the Wawi Indigenous Land, in the Xingu Indigenous Territory (TIX). Pequi is an important component of the culture of the Kĩsêdjê, is used both for food and for the reforestation of degraded areas in the region. A native domesticated tree, pequi has existed in Kĩsêdjê gardens for centuries. Its fruit has a value that transcends the cuisine and is present in the myths, rituals, and festivities of the Kĩsêdjê people. Hwĩn Mbê is produced using a traditional process- entirely cold pressed - resulting in a unique product that preserves the flavor, color, fragrance, and properties of the fruit.
- Tags: Agroforestry, Artesanal, Cerrado, Hwĩn Mbê, Indigenous, indigenous food, Indigenous horticulture, Indigenous women commerce, Instituto ATÁ, Instituto Bacuri, Instituto Socioambiental, land recovery, Pequi, small batch, Xingu Indigenous Territory
Manioca Brasil
Posted by Gregory Prang on
Born in the heart of the Amazon, Manioca presents a line of products, in which the ingredients of the forest are the protagonists, combining preservation, research and the unmistakable taste of real food. Have you ever heard of the Black Tucupi (Tucupi Preto)? Or have you tasted anything with priprioca? It is not so easy to find exploratory chefs and home cooks who have tried these and other products that are part of the greatest biodiversity on the planet, the Amazon rainforest. The fact is that the region is still a great secret that is gradually being discovered and appreciated,...
- Tags: Açaí, Amazon Pantry, Amazonian Gastronomy, Black Tucupi, Culinary tradition of the state of Pará, Cumari chili pepper, Cupuassu, Feijão de mantequinha de Santarém, Jambu, Jams, Little butter beans, Manioca Brasil, Paulo Martins, Priprioca, sustainable sourcing, Taperebá, Tucupi, Tucupi preto
Yanomami Mushrooms
Posted by Gregory Prang on

Photo credit: Moreno Saraiva/ISA
Yanomami Mushrooms are the first edible mushrooms native to the Amazon Forest to be introduced into the international market and are extremely popular with the top chefs of Brazil. Launched in 2016, they are the product of the ecological knowledge of the Yanomami people and the traditional Yanomami farming system. Hunters and gatherers, the Sanöma have a great knowledge about the biodiversity of their territory. The mix of mushrooms that comes to the consumer is the result of a deep knowledge of the ecology and the management of the forest, sometimes a source of protein, particularly when hunting is not very successful. It is this knowledge that feeds and keeps the forest standing.
- Tags: Agroforestry, Alex Atala, Amazon Pantry, Amazonia, Amazonian Gastronomy, Beto Bellini, Cenbam, Felipe Schaedler, Hutukara Associação Yanomami, Indigenous, Indigenous horticulture, Inpa, Instituto ATÁ, Instituto Socioambiental, Restaurante Banzeiro, Roraima, Sanöma, sustainable agriculture, sustainable sourcing, Yanomami horticulture, Yanomami mushrooms
Agroforestry Café Apuí
Posted by Gregory Prang on

Launched in May 2015, Agroforestry Café Apuí (Apuí Agroforestry Coffee) is a project led by IDESAM (Institute of Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Amazon) in the municipality of Apui, located in the extreme south of the Amazon. In almost three years since its launch, the product is already distributed throughout Brazil, including the "Boxes" at the Pinheiros Market in São Paulo, operated by Alex Atala's Instituto ATÁ. Café Apuí serves a consumer base increasingly concerned about sourcing and production methods. "In addition to the environmental benefits and the differentiated taste, the production free of agrochemicals also makes Café Apuí...